Dear Dr. Lin
Thank you for the excellent services rendered, thus resulting in my quick recovery. I was suffering from a very severe headache since the 27th of December 1999. I was referred to a neurologist whom I was told was the best in town. I went for a consultation, and I was sent for various blood tests in order to diagnose my situation. On the same day I was given a prescription to collect medication from the chemist, which to my amazement totalled to approximately R1500. The very next day my condition worsened and I was admitted into hospital and treatment was prescribed. The above lot of medication had to be discarded. I was immediately put on drips, went for a CAT scan and various blood tests were done. To my surprise my problem was never ever diagnosed, but I was given medication upon medication. I suffered all of the above in August 2000 while lying in hospital, I thought of Dr Lin whom I previously went to for other reasons, a discharge from hospital and started visiting Dr Lin. Within one or two treatments I was feeling so much better. Nevertheless, I am still under treatment wit Dr Lin and I have full confidence in her and hope to recover fully. Right now I am going through menopause which leads to depression, mood swings and she is treating me for all these ailments. Nowadays I am feeling so much better and full of energy again. I have full confidence in her, that when my husband has a problem I took him straight to Dr Lin. He had numbness in his two big toes. With just one treatment he could feel his toes again. Now, he also shares the same confidence that I have in Dr Lin. He recommended that I take my two sons for acne treatment. Her charisma, gentleness, kindness and her medication makes a person feel very good about themselves. This letter definitely does not do justice to Dr Lin’s treatment. I t is hard to explain her wonderful treatment as one has to experience it for themselves.
Mrs S.B. Khan